Experimental Investigation of the Effects of Temperature and Relative Humidity on Performance of a Heat Pump


  • Erol Şahin
  • Nesrin Adıgüzel Ataturk University


Relative Humidity, Heat Pump, Thermodynamic Efficiency , Exergy Analysis , Exergy Efficiency


This study was aimed at investigating the effects of temperature and relative humidity of atmospheric air on the exergy efficiency and thermodynamic efficiency of a heat pump. For this purpose, an experimental rig was set up and experiments were carried out. The results obtained were put through exergy calculations. Two heat pumps, heaters, and steam engines were employed in the experimental rig. The first heat pump was used for drying and cooling the air. Then, heat and water vapor were imparted to the air in the channel in order to get it to have desired humidity and temperature. The effects of this conditioned air on the second heat pump were determined by temperature, humidity, pressure, and flow rate measurements. Exergy efficiencies and thermodynamic efficiency ratios of the system and its components were determined with the measured values. The COPCM value of the system was observed to decrease with the increase of the relative humidity in the air. The highest COPCM value was at lowest relative humidity values of 30% and 40%. It was graphically shown that the COPCM value remained at low levels when the relative humidity rose to 70% - 80%.


Author Biography

  • Erol Şahin




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How to Cite

Experimental Investigation of the Effects of Temperature and Relative Humidity on Performance of a Heat Pump. (2023). International Journal of Innovative Research and Reviews, 7(1), 1-11. https://www.injirr.com/article/view/119