Clinical Characteristics and Geriatric Nutritional Risk Index Levels in Elderly People with Dementia Living in A Nursing Home
Alzheimer, Dementia, Nutritional status, GNRI, Risk factorsAbstract
Age, gender, family history, low education level, hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, smoking, alcohol and vitamin D deficiency are thought to be potential risk factors for patients with dementia. In addition, malnutrition is common among dementia patients. Therefore, we aimed to evaluate the clinical characteristics and GNRI status of elderly individuals living in a nursing home diagnosed with dementia alongside those without dementia. A total of 150 elderly individuals aged 60 and over living in an Istanbul nursing home in were included in the study. Demographic characteristics, comorbidity status, and biochemical parameters were obtained from their own files. In addition, the GNRI status of elderly individuals were calculated. The mean age of patients with dementia is higher than those without. The number of illiterate elderly (41.3%) was higher in those with dementia. The mean BMI and serum glucose, ALT, and albumin in the elderly were significantly lower in those with dementia. When GNRI values were compared, those with dementia were at a higher risk than those without (70.7%, 33.3%, respectively). Findings call for a multidimensional assessment of the health status of elderly individuals living in nursing homes.
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