Synthesis of Nano Iron Oxide and Investigation of Its Use as a Fertilizer Ingredient



Green synthesis, Iron oxide, Micro-propagation, Nano-particles


Faced with famine and environmental problems day by day, the world population has begun to explore the rational use of arable land. It is very important to minimize soil pollution caused by excessive fertilization used in this area. In this study, pomegranate fruit extract was used as the reducing medium of the green synthesis method. After characterizing the nano ironoxide particles (Fe2O3 NPs) produced under optimized conditions, its effects on plants were investigated. To examine the effects of (Fe2O3 NPs) on plant growth, experimental random plots were set up with the plant Chinese Fringe Flower plant (Loropetalum chinense) grown under sterile and homogeneous conditions. The number of shoots per explant, which was 2,76 in the standard iron-containing medium, was obtained as 4,00 in the Fe2O3 NPs-1,00 mg/L medium. These results, it was determined that the best medium for plant growth and reproduction was Fe2O3 NPs-1.00 mg/L. For this reason, it is thought that with domestic nano fertilizer formulations, value-added additives can be created for our country in the production of different plants with the least damage to the environment and can be used to increase agricultural productivity.


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How to Cite

Synthesis of Nano Iron Oxide and Investigation of Its Use as a Fertilizer Ingredient. (2022). International Journal of Innovative Research and Reviews, 6(1), 6-10.

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