Spatial Analysis of Soil Resources Potential by Using Geography Information Systems (GIS): A Case Study from Thrace Region, Turkey


  • Muhammed Cüneyt Bağdatlı Department of BiosystemEngineering, Engineering and Architecture Faculty, Nevsehir Hacı Bektas Veli University, Nevsehir, Turkey, 50300
  • Esra Can


Soil Resources, Classification, Spatial Analysis, GIS Mapping, Thrace Region, Turkey


The aim of this study is to create spatial distribution maps by determining some land and soil characteristics related to large soil groups, slope classes, soil depths and erosion degrees using digital soil maps in the Thrace region. (Turkey). In the study, 1/25.000 scaled digital soil maps were used. Spatial analyzes were carried out with the help of Arc GIS 10.3.1 program, which is one of the Geography Information Systems (GIS) software. In the study area, non-calcareous brown forest soils cover the most area and its total area is 8550.8 km2. Brown soils cover the least area and the total area is 2.8 km2. The lands varying between 7-12% in the research area occupy the most space and the total of the areas with this slope group is 7354.8 km2. The total area formed by soils with an area of more than 150 cm soil depth is 11332.9 km2. The total area of the lands with a soil depth of 0-20 cm is 40.5 km2. The lands that may be exposed to 1st degree erosion in the study area are the ones that will be exposed to the most damage, and the total of these lands is 10195.1 km2. Fourth class areas that may be exposed to erosion are the areas with the highest and severe erosion risk, and the collection area in the study area has been determined as 318.6 km2. As a result of the study, spatial distribution maps of large soil groups, slope, soil depth and areas that may be exposed to erosion, which will form a basis for similar studies in the Thrace region, were revealed.


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How to Cite

Spatial Analysis of Soil Resources Potential by Using Geography Information Systems (GIS): A Case Study from Thrace Region, Turkey. (2021). International Journal of Innovative Research and Reviews, 5(2), 45-50.

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