Liquefaction Analysis for Aziziye District Soils (Erzurum, NE Turkey) According to Turkey Building Earthquake Regulations 2018 (TBER-2018)
Erzurum, like many provinces of Turkey, which is located in the earthquake zone, faces the danger of a major earthquake at any moment. There are many active fault lines especially in the eastern, southern and central districts of Erzurum (NE Turkey). Especially the central districts will be highly affected by a possible earthquake due to their proximity to active fault lines. In this study, the liquefaction potential of Aziziye District (Erzurum, NE Turkey), which is considered to have a high liquefaction risk due to the high groundwater level in the central districts of Erzurum province, was investigated according to the Turkish Building Earthquake Code (TBER). Since Aziziye District is a district with a large construction and population density, the results of the study are important. The drilling data belonging to the ground investigation reports (made by the Municipality, Public Institutions and Organisations and individuals) and the master's thesis on this subject were used for Aziziye District. Within the scope of the study, local soil classes were determined according to TBER-2018 and liquefaction potentials were calculated according to earthquake magnitude Mw=6.0, Mw=6.5, Mw=7.0, Mw=7.5 and earthquake ground motion level DD-2. As a result, it was determined that a large part of Aziziye District is under liquefaction risk.
Copyright (c) 2024 Lale Öncü, Prof.Dr. Ekrem Kalkan

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