The Physiological and Linear body measurement of West African Dwarf goats fed Cocoa pod, Cassava pulp and Acacia leaf Silage
Body measurements of West African dwarf goats
Cocoa based diets, Body linear measurements, Physiology, West African Dwarf goatsAbstract
This study was conducted in Teaching and Research farm, Landmark University, Kwara State, Nigeria, to determine the effects of cocoa-based diets on body length and eleven (11) morphometric parameters. Twenty-eight (28) West African dwarf bucks, aged between 4 to 5 months with average body weight of 7.00±0.2kg were used for the study. The control groups (T1 and T7) were fed (0:60:40) and (60:0:40) of cocoa pod, cassava pulp and acacia leaf respectively for experimental period of fourty five (45days). The measurements were taken in the morning (08:00hr) forthnightly. Data generated were subjected to descriptive statistics using analysis of variance. Results obtained showed that diets had significant effect (P< 0.05) on the body traits. The mean BL, WG, CD, HG, SC, NC, FL, HL, HW, EL and RT were 51.00±4.08-57.50±5.74cm, 24.50±1.73-31.50±3.11cm; 44.00±1.63-48.75±1.71cm; 42.25±2.87-44.75±2.06cm; 11.00±1.83-14.25±3.30cm; 20.25±0.95-23.00±2.45cm; 12.25±1.70-14.50±1.73cm; 2.00±0.00-3.75±1.25cm; 10.25±1.25-10.75±1.25cm; 8.75±0.50-9.50±1.29cm and 38.13±0.25-39.10±0.350C respectively. The relationship showed that as the body length increased, other body traits also increased. The correlation coefficients showed that there was high positive and significant relationship among the variables. It was concluded that the body linear measurement was subjected to the diet given. Therefore, the study revealed that feed had effect on most of the linear body measurements physiologically.
Copyright (c) 2024 Christie Oluwatosin Raimi, Abiodun Adefunmilayo Adeloye

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